Use "paleontologist|paleontologists" in a sentence

1. I'm a paleontologist.

2. My cousin's a paleontologist.

3. Well, I'm a paleontologist.

4. You're a paleontologist too?

5. And I need a paleontologist.

6. A paleontologist who works out.

7. Sereno is a well - known paleontologist.

8. I had two dreams. I wanted to be a paleontologist, a dinosaur paleontologist, and I wanted to have a pet dinosaur.

9. He's a paleontologist and a world authority on fossils.

10. And the answer relies on a formula that all paleontologists use.

11. Abler (born 1939), American geographer; William Abler, American paleontologist

12. It's not that I don't like other paleontologists.

13. American paleontologist Kenneth Carpenter re-examined the material in 1992.

14. I am almost extinct -- I'm a paleontologist who collects fossils.

15. Well, paleontologists for the last 200 years have been charting death.

16. I'm sure there are tons of other beautiful paleontologists out there.

17. Paleontologists have not defined any faunal stages for the Holocene.

18. 12 A museum allows visitors to watch an ongoing excavation by paleontologists.

19. Oreopithecus bambolii was first described by French paleontologist Paul Gervais in 1872.

20. Paul Sereno is a paleontologist and professor at the University of Chicago.

21. Paleontologists, however, aren't ready to group whales with any specific Artiodactyl

22. But the new wave of paleontologists -- my graduate students -- collect biomarkers.

23. A museum allows visitors to watch an ongoing excavation by paleontologists.

24. I did give up a career in basketball to become a paleontologist!

25. Some paleontologists relate many or most of these forms to modern animals.

26. His father, James Mello, was a paleontologist and his mother, Sally Mello, was an artist.

27. I really like things having to do with sea level, being a paleontologist.

28. Paleontologist Dave Raup postulates that 75 percent of all extinction events were caused by asteroid impacts.

29. ‘Many paleontologists argue that Brontosaurs and other huge dinos really didn't lumber and weren't

30. David Hone is a paleontologist at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of China in Beijing.

31. Like today’s crime-scene investigators, paleontologists study trackways—fossilized footprints— for clues about how dinosaurs Behaved

32. It is only the natural caution of paleontologists that prevents them from jumping to startling conclusions.

33. Of course, many graduates of Anthropology programs choose to become an archaeologist, paleontologist, ethnologist or …

34. Brontosaurus was discarded as an invalid genus name by just about every working paleontologist (with some notable

35. In 2018, a team led by paleontologist Dennis Voeten examined the wing bones of three different Archaeopteryx .

36. Four different species of en- paleontologists, although the review of fossil Archaeolith- crusting cheilostomate bryozoans are present

37. Despite a few dissenters, paleontologists generally agree that dinosaurs were forerunners of modern birds, rather than reptiles.

38. John Willis Stovall (1891– July 24, 1953) was an American paleontologist at the University of Oklahoma.

39. Paleontologists have found many transitional fossils representing intermediate forms in the evolution of one major form of life into another.

40. G eorges Louis Leclerc, comte de Buffon, was the most influential biologist (and hence paleontologist) of the 18th century

41. Paleontologists can study the contents of Coprolite to see what one meal of an animal consisted of.

42. There were three distinctive characteristics about the archosaurs that paleontologists discovered marked them off from their antecedents.

43. 4 In the summer of 1988 paleontologists in western Colorado uncovered the 135-million-year-old pelvis and vertebrae of Supersaurus.

44. Paleontologists have found two well-preserved fossils, one in Germany in the 1850s and the second in France more than a century later.

45. In 2001 the Australian paleontologist Ralph Molnar suggested that this was caused by a developmental anomaly called fluctuating asymmetry.

46. 27 Paleontologists in China's Henan Basin discovered this nest of fossilized eggs laid by the Jurassic duck-billed herbivore Hadrosaurus .

47. In the summer of 1988 paleontologists in western Colorado uncovered the 135-million-year-old pelvis and vertebrae of Supersaurus.

48. Allosauridae is a fairly old taxonomic group, having been first named by the American paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh in 1878.

49. According to paleontologist Alan Turner, A lack of quill knobs does not necessarily mean that a dinosaur did not have feathers.

50. It was discovered in 1877 by paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh, who named it Allosaurus, or "different lizard".

51. In 1990, the American paleontologist Walter P. Coombs stated that the crests may have been enhanced by colors for use in display.

52. I was about five years old at the time, and I decided there and then that I would become a paleontologist.

53. A 2015 study concluded that Brontosaurus is a valid genus of sauropod distinct from Apatosaurus, but not all paleontologists agree with this division.

54. 14 In the summer of 1988 paleontologists in western Colorado uncovered the 135-million-year-old pelvis and vertebrae of Supersaurus.

55. ‘Many paleontologists argue that Brontosaurs and other huge dinos really didn't lumber and weren't stupid.’ ‘He had a brain in him the size of a bloated Brontosaurus, …

56. "I support the concept of a widespread ancestral species, Homo heidelbergensis, " Stringer, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum of London, told Discovery News.

57. 22 "I support the concept of a widespread ancestral species, Homo heidelbergensis, " Stringer, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum of London, told Discovery News.

58. As well-studied as dinosaurs have been over the past couple of centuries, paleontologists have learned little about their breathing, because lungs do not fossilize.

59. The Polish paleontologist Gerard Gierliński examined tridactyl footprints from the Holy Cross Mountains in Poland and concluded in 1991 that they belonged to a theropod like Dilophosaurus.

60. Today, the only living relatives of the Anapsids are turtles and tortoises, though the exact nature of this relationship is hotly disputed by paleontologists.

61. These were discovered in the Hell Creek Formation in South Dakota by three amateur paleontologists from Sioux City, in the U.S. state of Iowa.

62. Likewise, the revised idea that SMA 0009 is a Brachiosaur makes comparisons difficult since paleontologists have yet to assemble a complete picture of an adult Brachiosaurus.

63. University of Washington paleontologist Peter Ward correlated the gap with changes in atmospheric oxygen levels found from studies of the geochemistry of the rock layers...

64. Specifically, paleontologist Mark Purnell of the University of Leicester in England and his colleagues found four sets of striations oriented in different directions on the teeth of Edmontosaurus.

65. Cardiids have been the UHILLIINAEsubject of consider- able taxonomic work by both paleontologists and mala- cologists, and numerous subfamilies, genera, and subgenera have been erected

66. ‘In this context, the evolution of Brontothere horns has fascinated paleontologists for more than a century.’ ‘South Dakota was sub-tropical and had animals such as crocodiles, Brontotheres, and horses.’

67. Most paleontologists, however, still think that animals with the dentary-squamosal jaw joint and the sort of molars characteristic of modern mammals should formally be members of Mammalia.

68. ‘In this context, the evolution of Brontothere horns has fascinated paleontologists for more than a century.’ ‘South Dakota was sub-tropical and had animals such as crocodiles, Brontotheres, and horses.’

69. In 1978, paleontologist Phil Gingerich discovered a 52-million-year-old skull in Pakistan that resembled fossils of Creodonts -- wolf-sized carnivores that lived between 60 and 37 million years

70. Examples of Anthropophagus in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web This led paleontologist Christopher Brochu and colleagues to name the Olduvai predator Crocodylus Anthropophagus – the human-eating crocodile. — Brian Switek, Smithsonian, …

71. Paleontologist John Ostrom's study of Deinonychus in the late 1960s revolutionized the way scientists thought about dinosaurs, leading to the "dinosaur renaissance" and igniting the debate on whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded or cold-blooded.

72. Alexornis Antecedens was a member of the enantiornithes birds discovered in 1971 and formally described in 1976 by paleontologist Pierce Brodkorb using the exemplary holotype LACM 32213, consisting of fragmentary remains of the shoulders, wings and legs, but lacking a skull

73. Archeologists are anthropologists, meaning they study people, but they are not geologists (who study rocks and minerals) or paleontologists (who study very ancient reptiles). Archeologists look at old things and sites to investigate how people lived in the past.

74. Studies of bone abnormalities in skeletons from ancient Syria have led paleontologists to conclude that operating similar querns caused young women repetitive stress injuries —notched kneecaps, damage to the last dorsal vertebra, and severe osteoarthritis in the big toe.

75. Though Coprolite gets its name from the Greek kopros , meaning dung and lithos , meaning rock; there is an urban legend in the paleontologist community regarding the name: In the early 1800s, two dinosaur specialists sparred constantly over fossils and research.

76. First described in 1754 (which actually predates the description of its parent species Andalusite by 44 years!) by a Spanish author, Franciscan priest and paleontologist José Torrubia, and published in his famous book, "Aparato para la Historia Natural Española", (in

77. Éliane Basse (1899–1985), French paleontologist; Hans-Dieter von Basse (1916–1945), Oberstleutnant in the Wehrmacht during World War II; Jeremiah Basse (died 1725), governor of West and East Jersey; Marie Senghor Basse (1930-2019), Senegalese physician; Maurits Basse (1868–1944), Belgian writer and …

78. In the austral summer of 2004, I went to the bottom of South America, to the bottom of Patagonia, Argentina, to prospect for dinosaurs: a place that had terrestrial sedimentary rocks of the right age, in a desert, a place that had been barely visited by paleontologists.

79. Several paleontologists note that some Birdlike dinosaurs of similar age or older also possessed features identical or nearly identical to those of Archaeopteryx.Many features, such as the presence of feathers, three-fingered hands, a wishbone, and long robust forelimbs, which are often considered diagnostic of birds, also appear in X

80. ‘Even more disturbing is the fact that fossils of Ambulocetus were found in strata at or above the stratigraphic levels where whale fossils were found.’ More example sentences ‘Then paleontologists working in Pakistan found the fossil of a 45-million year old whale named Ambulocetus that looked in life like a furry crocodile.’